GameRulesCards and Decks
All Cards by Decks and Types
Startup Team

A team of three agile monsters is building their data science business. They live a happy life in a startup full of pizza parties, fail-fast iterations, and overnight coding. The secret weapon of this deck is GPU-accelerated deep learning applied heavily during hackthons.

Enterprise Team

Three brave monsters are working in a large enterprise. They live a corporate life full of reports, business plans, and security restrictions. The secret weapon of this deck is the enterprise-scale MaReduce togather with the established planning and monitoring processes.


Two adventurous monsters, led by a venture capitalist, are building a secret forbidden cryptofarm. They heavily invest in the cryptomining capacity, develop blockchain algorithms, and cope with the volatility of the market. The secret weapon of this deck is the ICO. If done right, it can send the whole endeavor to the moon.

Gambling Villains

Two villains are having fun in the casino in Las Omegas. They are making the crazy plans for the next adventures and sharpening their deadly tools. Their secret weapons are Phishing, Identity Theft, Direct-Access Attack, with the whole set of other illegal methods. This deck is tricky and it is not recommended for the beginners.